Craniomanibular 1 – Course Introduction

Welcome to IAMT’s Craniomandibular 1: Evaluation and Treatment for Craniomandibular Disorders course. We appreciate you choosing to join us for this course to expand your manual therapy knowledge and skillset. We would like to make sure everyone is prepared for the weekend to ensure an optimal learning experience. Below you will find a list of topics to help you prepare.

  • Live Course – The live portion of this course is set to run from 8:00 am – 5:30 pm Saturday and 8:00 am – 5:30 pm on Sunday. Please refer to the main course page for details for course date and location.
  • Attire – Please wear comfortable clothing for this course to be prepared for lab. Make sure you have clothing that will allow access to the spine, jaw, and mouth regions.
  • Course Manuals – will be provided to each participant the day of the course.

Please click “Mark Complete” below once you have read this introduction. Proceed through all online content (if applicable) and “Mark Complete” on each module prior to the live portion of this course. Once all modules are complete, you are all set for the live portion of this course.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Angie Austin at

We hope you enjoy the course!