Michael W. McMurray
Michael graduated from Shenandoah University in 2002 with a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy. In 2004 he returned to Shenandoah University and completed his Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy. Following that, Michael entered a clinical residency program in orthopedic manual physical therapy through the Manual Therapy Institute, graduating in 2005. He then continued on and achieved the designation Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT) in 2007. In 2011 Michael became Board Certified as an Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) through the APTA. Michael has participated in a wide array of continuing education courses during his career with an emphasis on orthopedic manual techniques, has been an author of multiple peer reviewed research studies and co-author of a book chapter. Additionally, Michael has been a guest lecturer at local physical therapy programs, serves as a clinical instructor for students from multiple physical therapy programs and is an instructor/mentor with the Virginia Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Institute (VOMPTI) APTA credentialed orthopaedic residency program. Currently Michael serves as the clinic manager for University of Virginia Orthopedic Center Therapy Services in Charlottesville, VA.