Evelyne Burtis
Dr. Evelyne Burtis is an instructor with Institute of Advanced Musculoskeletal Treatments/Upstream Rehab Institute and a physical therapist practicing in Chattanooga, TN. She is an instructor for the musculoskeletal and dry needling courses in the URI Orthopaedic Residency and Orthopedic Fellowship Programs. Dr. Burtis obtained her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from University of Tennessee Chattanooga, and Masters of Science in Physical Therapy from Andrews University. She has achieved board certification in Orthopedics (OCS), and is recognized as a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists. Dr. Burtis is a long-time clinical instructor and serves as a mentor to new graduate physical therapists, orthopedic residents and fellows-in-training. Dr. Burtis has also held roles as a teaching assistant and adjunct faculty at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga.