Welcome to the OSHA quiz portion of this course. This quiz is focused on the OSHA content reviewed in your OSHA online module. Please complete the following OSHA quiz prior to the live course lab.

You will have 4 attempts at this quiz. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions.

Below are instructions to help you navigate the online quiz portal.

  • You will be prompted with a few demographic questions prior to your exam. Please answer them accordingly and click “Start Quiz”
  • The quiz will begin and you will see a Quiz Summary Chart above your question. This chart will be present throughout your quiz and will help you track your progress. (Example image below)
  • Scroll below this summary chart in order to see the quiz question. After answering each question, click “Next” in the bottom right hand corner.
  • In the summary chart, you will see a “Review Question” button. This button will allow you to mark the question to come back and review later in the exam if you wish. It will mark your question yellow if you leave that question unanswered. If you answer the question, the yellow mark will be removed in your summary.
  • As you progress through the Quiz (image below) you can refer back to the summary chart to see your progress. The questions highlighted yellow are marked for review and are unanswered. The faded blue questions have been answered. The questions in white have not been marked or answered. The dark blue question is the current question you are on and will be listed below the summary box.
  • If you click “Quiz Summary” button (in the image above) it will take you away from individual questions, show you your question summary chart, and give you the option to “Finish Quiz”. Do not click “Finish Quiz” until you are ready to submit. You will only be allowed 4 attempts at this Quiz.

Thank you,