Welcome to the Instructor Version of this course. Below you will find the description for this course that is viewable to the participants. In the course modules, you will find the first set of modules focused on resources for you as an Instructor/Assist/Apprentice. Please reach out with any questions.
This course is designed to teach physical therapists introductory level techniques for dry needling throughout the entire body. The course also presents the clinical reasoning, theory, and scientific rationale behind the application of dry needling and teaches the local and global proposed mechanisms that occur with its application. This course covers dry needling techniques surrounding the lumbar and cervical spine, the hip region, the thigh and lower leg, the shoulder, forearm and elbow region. This lab intensive course consists of a vast number of needling techniques in conjunction with functional case based treatments. A written and oral practical examination is performed at the end of this course. A score of 80% or higher will be required on both the written and practical examination to offer the certificate of completion. *The content and materials in this course are designed specifically for Physical and Occupational Therapists*
It is your responsibility to know your state’s scope of practice and practice act regarding dry needling.
Course Level: Introductory
Prerequisites: None
Audience: PT/OT
Contact Hrs: 3 hrs Online/27 hrs Live